Monday, May 12, 2014

Assignment 5: Epiphany

Finally!  For the past few weeks I have been working on this assignment without really understanding the end point.  I was creating photographs with a linking theme, but slacking a way to tie them together that meant something to me.  Without that I risk a muddled statement at best, pictorial drivel at worst.

First the definition of Epiphany from  Wiktionary

  1. A manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being.
  2. An illuminating realization or discovery, often resulting in a personal feeling of elation, awe, or wonder.
  3. (Christianity) Season or time of the Christian church year from the Epiphany feast day to Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday), the day before Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent (See Epiphany).

Number 1 is very unlikely to apply to me unless you count seeing a man dressed as Spiderman in the department store the other day.  Number 3 is long gone, even the special beer is no longer available.  That leaves Number 3.  

Following is the German law for photographing people:

Recht am eigenen Bilde 
Bildnisse dürfen nur mit Einwilligung des Abgebildeten verbreitet oder öffentlich zur Schau gestellt werden. Die Einwilligung gilt im Zweifel als erteilt, wenn der Abgebildete dafür, daß er sich abbilden ließ, eine Entlohnung erhielt. Nach dem Tode des Abgebildeten bedarf es bis zum Ablaufe von 10 Jahren der Einwilligung der Angehörigen des Abgebildeten. Angehörige im Sinne dieses Gesetzes sind der überlebende Ehegatte oder Lebenspartner und die Kinder des Abgebildeten und, wenn weder ein Ehegatte oder Lebenspartner noch Kinder vorhanden sind, die Eltern des Abgebildeten.
§ 23
Ausnahmen zu § 22
(1) Ohne die nach § 22 erforderliche Einwilligung dürfen verbreitet und zur Schau gestellt werden:
1. Bildnisse aus dem Bereiche der Zeitgeschichte;
2. Bilder, auf denen die Personen nur als Beiwerk neben einer Landschaft oder sonstigen Örtlichkeit erscheinen;
3. Bilder von Versammlungen, Aufzügen und ähnlichen Vorgängen, an denen die dargestellten Personen teilgenommen haben;
4. Bildnisse, die nicht auf Bestellung angefertigt sind, sofern die Verbreitung oder Schaustellung einem höheren Interesse der Kunst dient.
(2) Die Befugnis erstreckt sich jedoch nicht auf eine Verbreitung und Schaustellung, durch die ein berechtigtes Interesse des Abgebildeten oder, falls dieser verstorben ist, seiner Angehörigen verletzt wird.
And a mixture of Google Translate and help from my wife, Heidi (not a literal translation, but the meaning is correct):
Right to their own image
Images may be put on public or widespread display only with the consent of the person portrayed. If the person is paid for their image, permission is assumed. For 10 years after the death of the person portrayed, consent must be obtained from a relative. For purposes of this Act, the surviving spouse, domestic partner and children of the person portrayed must be consulted, or if neither a spouse, partner or children are still present, the parents of the person portrayed.
( 1) Without the required consent , images may be distributed and showcased if:
  1. The images are from the realm of contemporary history
  2. People appear only as an accessory in addition to a landscape or other location
  3. It is a picture of a meeting or similar event, where the depicted persons have participated
  4. If a person paid for the image to be made that image may be used in promotion
( 2) Even if permission is granted by a person since deceased, the family may still prevent publication if the photographs compromise their reputation.
The net is that in Germany it is illegal to share a photograph of a person without their written consent.  I also understand that it is illegal to even take a photograph of a person without their permission.  A quick Google brought up plenty of cases of violence towards the casual photographer. I have been rather casual with these constraints, but it is getting harder.  I am noticing a progressive increase in hostility and am really pretty fed up with it.

Hence the Epiphany! Instead of fighting the law, let's go with the law, but make that a part of my work.  As it is is illegal to make photographs of people, then absent people from my photographs, but make that absence very visible in the set.  I will tell the story of Richard-Strauss Strasse entirely through the signs and symbols that represent the people that live and visit there.  This will sadly mean dropping some photographs that do have people in them, but it will create a more coherent set of images and a statement of sorts about privacy and it's impact on artistic expression.

In the mean time I have been out and about with my camera once again this time with this thought in mind

I find this type of photography suits my mind set and sense of place in the world.  I am a bit of a loner, comfortable in my own company.  I enjoy going out with friends, but I am not a member of any clubs or societies, well not beyond the OCA community! This course has pushed so hard on the idea of people as the only subject for social documentary and I have really struggled with this.  Now I am back to Social Landscape, pretty much where I left off my Landscape course with the study of Innenhof.

Social Documentary has been a largely negative experience,but one that has taught me a lot.  Learning about your strengths and likes requires first an understanding of weakness and dislike.  I now know where my interest in photography lies and it aligns with what I can do here in Germany.  Perhaps this is why most famous German photographers create imagery on a grand scale, the intimate is basically illegal...

Next step will be to assemble a first set of 11 photographs to accompany my street views.


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